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What Impact has David Licate had on his Community and the People Around Him?

In 2015, I was moved to action by the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. As the father of two young children, and with some relevant knowledge, I could not sit on the sidelines.  I was elected to the Stow-Munroe Falls Board of Education on a platform that included enhancing school security.

I was elected president of the board of education in my first year.  I did not seek this nomination, reasoning that one should have some experience serving on the BOE before being president.  My colleagues, however, argued that I could restore stability to what had become a contentious office.  

After researching best practices for boards of education, it became apparent that SMF BOE did not have a committee structure that is often found in well-functioning boards.  Committees bring people together to focus on specific issues and make systematic progress.  I presented the idea to members of the BOE, and wrote the guidelines for a Safety Committee (which I chaired), a Policy Committee, Technology Committee, and Facilities Committee.  

I am particularly proud of the Safety Committee.  Composed of the police and fire chiefs of both Stow and Munroe Falls, and school district leadership, the Security Committee opened up lines of communication and provided a mechanism for continuous improvement in the areas of safety and security.  The committee focused on improvements in security policies, physical security, threat assessment, and emergency management.  Experts were brought in to make recommendations and input from the community was discussed.  The committee led an effort to get security vestibules installed in each school.  

Although I left the BOE in 2019, I continue to serve on the School Safety Committee.  In addition, I have provided 21 trainings to school personnel and police on the topics of situational awareness, threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, and active shooter response.  

My Accomplishments on School Board:

Students require a safe and comfortable environment in which to learn:

  • Implemented committee structure based on best practices that allowed the district to move forward on multiple fronts.
  • Founded and chaired the Safety Committee that enhanced communication between public safety and school officials, and made systematic improvements to school security each year.
  • Led initiative to install security vestibules in all SMF schools.
  • Security training and risk assessments are now routine.
  • Championed the installation of air conditioning in the schools.

My Board of Education Picture

In 2022, I joined the Stow City Council as an At-Large Councilperson.  I was encouraged to run for city council by Mayor John Pribonic.  John is a true servant-leader, and he has some great ideas for moving Stow forward.  John understands the oversight function of city council and wasn't looking for a rubber stamp.  He understood that it was best for the city if council members work together and with his administration to find common ground and improve the quality of life in Stow.  

My Accomplishments on City Council:

I focused on practical legislation that solves a problem or increases the quality of life:

  • A better process for dealing with nuisance properties.
  • More accommodating zoning procedures for the disabled.  
  • Created a program to trim trees that were obstructing sidewalks and roads.
  • A complete revision of an outdated noise ordinance.
  • Sponsored a program to address drug addiction in Stow-Munroe Falls schools from opioid settlement funds.  Immediately received a thank-you note from a school mental health professional detailing how the program helped a child in crisis.
  • Voted in favor of plans to improve roads, parks, and connectivity within the city. 

My View from the Stow City Council Dais

My Professional Accomplishments

 I was nominated to represent UA as a MAC Academic Leadership Fellow

I contribute to my employer and profession:

  • I established the Department of Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Akron.
  • I have authored academic programs in criminology, criminal justice, security administration, forensic studies, crime analysis, computer forensics, and policing leadership.
  • Invited to travel the United States and train policing executives as a subject matter expert in crime analysis.
  • I have been asked to consult for various policing and homeland security agencies, including the U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI.  

My Accomplishments for the County

  • Before I was elected to Stow City Council, I assisted Chief Film and Chief Stone in passing Issue 23 which allowed Stow to participate in the Summit County Emergency Communications Center.  In my first year on city council, I championed Stow's participation in the Center which combines the resources of several communities, reduces the costs of technology and upgrades to participating cities by millions of dollars, and makes the public safer through more reliable, efficient and effective responses to emergencies and other calls for service. 
  • I am a subject matter expert in the ongoing effort to maintain a safe and secure environment around the campus of the University of Akron.  This joint initiative by Summit County, the City of Akron, and the University of Akron seeks to apply evidence-based practices, policies, and technology to reduce crime and address issues of mental health and addiction.  As a County Councilperson, I will already have these professional relationships in place and can hit the ground running.  Most importantly, state-of-the-art public safety technology and practices can be shared with other Summit County communities in District 3. 

It's About How You Treat People

My accomplishments are largely because I work well with people.  I invite you to watch Stow City Council meetings from 2022 and 2023 or Stow-Munroe Falls Board of Education meetings from 2016 - 2019.  Ask yourself:  Who do I want on my team?  Who conducts themselves with professionalism?  Who is respectful of other perspectives?  Who treats others with dignity, respect, and common courtesy?  Who does the research and learns from others?  Who listens more than they talk?  

County Councilpersons must work well with each other and the County Executive to maintain the many services offered by the county.  Councilpersons must work with officials in the communities that they serve.  Not only people in their own party or political club, but everyone.  I have a history of working well with others, and the record to prove it. 


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